A living journey through the life of Pharrell Williams, told through the lens of LEGO animation. Animal Logic, who had animated the previous four Lego Movies, did not return to do the animation for the film because it would have been considered cheating on Warner Bros. ., despite Lego and Warner Bros sharing the rights to the original franchise. Instead, the animation was done at Pure Imagination Studios in Los Angeles and Zebu Animation Studios in India. Both Pure Imagination and Zebu have previously recreated the style of the original film series through theme park attractions, PSAs and the Die Simpsons (1989) episode “Brick Like Me (2014)”. The opening Universal Pictures, Focus Features, Tremolo Productions and the Lego Group studio logos are made of Lego bricks. In The Graham Norton Show: Billy Crystal/Emily Mortimer/Hugh Bonneville/Pharrell Williams/Michael Kiwanuka (2024). It’s Happening Written by Pharrell Williams and Shelly Berg Performed by Pharrell Williams Courtesy of Columbia Records/Sony Music Entertainment. Pharrell Williams biopic, but made of lego, cool and original. But you have to ask yourself, who was it made for? Because being a kid’s movie is boring and most adults wouldn’t watch it because they’d think it’s a kid’s movie. I watched it myself last night and found myself pretty bored, this Lego biopic was the only thing that saved this movie, otherwise no one would care except Pharrell Williams super fans. I also don’t know how the focus functions survived the whole year, it’s the only movie company where the cinema is constantly empty every time I go, even if it’s bit by bit, there were only 5 people in total. The other 2 movies I’ve seen by focus this year have had the auditorium completely empty and I was the only person in the audio tower, it’s very rare for me to be alone in a movie theater.